Which Are The Best Online Slot Machines?

More popular than ever: online slot machines (see The glittering, colorful leisure time fun knows many shapes and colors. 

You must have played these extravagant slot machines. One area of ​​virtual gaming was particularly popular in 2020: the online casinos. Real money slot machines have become an integral part of everyday life. But the selection of spectacular game variants is so huge that settling on one could be exhausting. From Lara Croft to the ancient Greeks. Everything that populates the video game area is guaranteed to be found in one form or another in slot machine games.

You’ve got a huge choice of online slot machines


Playing online slots is not only popular among gamers. Across all demographic classes, the leisurely “pulling on the lever” is one of the popular leisure activities on the computer or smartphone. However, playing slot machines online for real money involves much more than just uncoordinated feeding of the machine. Detailed information here relates to the different jackpot types, the number of reels or even the thematic peculiarities of each slot machine. We try to bundle the information briefly and crisply in order to filter out the best slot machine games of this turbulent year.

The varied offer of the machines range from the best online real money casinos, from the arcade classics to completely new slot brands that hardly anyone knows. While most players have probably stumbled across the evergreen Book of Ra, which has been one of the most popular slots for years, hardly anyone knows the playful implementation of the Pink Panther. But here, too, we are dealing with an absolute top slot machine game of 2019. Of course, we don’t want to reveal at this point whether Inspector Gadget also plays a role in this curious slot. As a real money slot machine, however, both ends of the spectrum are among the highlights of the year.

The best real money gaming slots

However, anyone who has found a home in the gaming sector will also get their money’s worth. In addition to nerdy topics such as Game of Thrones, gaming veteran Lara Croft is one of the recurring faces in all kinds of real money slot machine games. Probably the most prominent example is the incredibly popular Tomb Raider slot. Everything here revolves around relieving all sorts of ancient tombs from their treasures and riches. Of course, not without resistance from the bad guys – in this case the five nasty reels of the slot game. The whole thing is kept in the spectacular jungle style and should cause a lot of nostalgia for fans of the series. After all, the attractive Briton has been doing gymnastics through world history since 1996, in search of exotic temples and artifacts from ancient times.

But that is far from exhausting the nerd cosmos of real money slot machine games. In the cinematic area, too, the numerous casino providers have a rich portfolio of various themed slots. Awarded five Oscars in 2000 and almost 20 years later still an iconic masterpiece with its own slot implementation: Gladiator. Stepping into the arena as a celebrated fighter – this is the feeling the slot machine wants to convey, and it manages to do so successfully. In 2019, thousands felt like Russel Crowe and the gambling arena were rid of nasty villains. The result could be a juicy jackpot.